Friday, July 18, 2014

15 Tips That Will Earn You the Title of "MRS. GRILLMASTER"

I am so excited summer is here!!! That means its GRILLING TIME!!!!

Ladies, just because your husband  looks sexy and manly next to the grill does not mean you can't earn the title as MRS. GRILLMASTER.  TRUST ME< YOU LOOK HOTTER NEXT TO THE GRILL!  He will be very excited, TRY IT!

Here are 15 Tips That Will Earn You the Title of “MRS. GRILMASTER”

1. To make cooking easier, clean your grill thoroughly before and after each use with a sturdy wire brush (if you're serious about barbecue, this one is worth the dough).

2. Spray or brush the grill with cooking oil to prevent food from sticking. This can be done with cooking oil spray or with a clean rag dipped in oil. Do this only when the grill is cold and be careful when you light it!

3. Preheat your grill for at least 30 minutes with the lid closed. This allows it to reach prime cooking temperature. It also prevents flare-ups because it burns off fats and foods that stuck to the grate the last time you cooked.

4. If you’re using charcoal, arrange all the coals on one side of the barbecue to create an area of direct heat (right over the coals), and indirect heat (away from the coals). Food can be moved to different temperature zones as needed. If you have a gas grill, keep the flame higher on one side.

5. Don’t pile everything on the grill at once. Consider cooking times and temperatures for each item and schedule your firing times accordingly.

6. Leave at least 30% of the grill’s surface area unused. This gives you an emergency evacuation area to transfer foods if they start to burn.

7. Don’t crowd the grill. Leaving space between foods prevents steaming, helps items to cook evenly, and is crucial to achieving the mark of a pro—a delicious caramelized surface.

8. Keep the lid closed. Lifting the lid releases the heat and the smoke that gives food its barbecue flavor. If you’re looking, you’re not cooking!

9. Use extra-long tongs (like these from OXO)—not a fork—when moving meats. Piercing the meat causes all of the precious juices to escape, drying out your dinner.

10. Not sure if it’s done? Don’t pull the amateur move of cutting into the meat to check (see above)! Get it right every time with an instant read thermometer, or a fancy wireless BBQ thermometer and use this meat temperature chart or this handy infographic to help you cook it just the way you like it.

11. Use a special slotted pan or grill basket for cooking vegetables and delicate seafood so they don’t stick to the grate or slip through the holes.

12. Add extra delectable smokiness to your grilled foods with wood chips. Soak hickory, mesquite, or other wood chips in water or apple juice (for sweeter flavor) for 30 minutes beforehand so they'll smolder without igniting. Wrap soaked wood chips in an aluminum foil packet poked with holes, and lay the packet directly on the on the coals or above the gas flame before adding food to the grill. These wood chips from Charcoal Companion are conveniently packaged in an aluminum smoking tray and are ready to soak right in the tin.

13. Brining—soaking meat in a saltwater and spice mixture before cooking—adds flavor and ensures that meat stays moist even if you like it on the well-done side. Brining is, essentially, infusing meat with salt, so be aware that it will increase the amount of sodium in your food. Use sea salt or Himalayan salt, no additional salt is needed during cooking. This quick brine recipe can have your poultry or pork (never beef!) grill-ready in just a few hours. A whole chicken should soak in brine for at least four hours, but smaller cuts of meat, like chicken breasts, can be removed from the brine after two hours.

14. Keep a beverage handy while you grill. It can be used to quickly douse flames if your food catches fire.

15. A little char is what barbecue is all about, but enjoy it in small doses as it’s carcinogenic.

Here's a great Grill recipe:

 Honey Cumin Chicken
(Makes 4 servings)

2 Tbsp. raw honey
2 Tbsp. 100% orange juice
4 (4-oz.) each raw chicken breasts, boneless, skinless
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 tsp. ground cumin
Sea salt and ground black pepper (to taste; optional)

1. Preheat grill to medium.
2. Combine honey and orange juice in a small bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside.
3. Brush each chicken breast lightly with oil. Sprinkle both sides evenly with cumin, salt (if desired), and pepper (if desired).
4. Place chicken on grill; cook, without turning, for 5 minutes. When chicken releases easily from the grill, turn, cook for an additional 3 minutes.
5. Reduce grill heat to low. Brush chicken evenly with honey mixture. Be careful, honey will burn if exposed to flames. Grill until a meat thermometer inserted into the center of each breast reads 160°F*. Remove from grill. Let chicken rest 5 minutes before serving.

* The FDA suggests cooking chicken to a temperature of 165°F. Chicken will continue to cook after it is removed from heat, so we recommend that it be removed from the grill at 160°F to prevent drying out.

Nutrition per serving: 184 calories, 7 g fat, 10 g carbohydrates, 23 g protein

Let's Talk Food Prep!

Alright friends, let's talk Food Prep!

Eating clean meals are key to achieve your fitness goals.
Planning your food or food prep is key to eating clean meals during the week and staying on track!  Every Sunday you can find me in my kitchen chopping, shredding, steaming, baking and roasting food for the week ahead. Sure, it takes me a few hours but it’s a part of my weekend I truly love it.  We make it a family day! I get my husband and children involved and it becomes fun. As a mom, it makes me feel good knowing I am giving my family the foods they need to live long healthy lives. And as they watch me prep they start to form good habits for themselves as well. I know that if I want them to eat clean meals during the week we need to plan and prep!

Do you plan your meals and prepare them in advance? If you don’t you need to give it a try and here’s why:

- You will save money

 by watching me they will form the same good habits for themselves. I know that if I want us to be eating clean meals during the week I need to plan and prep!

Do you plan your meals and prepare them in advance? If you don’t you need to give it a try and here’s why:

- You will save money

In order to start eating clean meals you need to plan! Spend more time planning meals, and spend less cash on your groceries! Remember that food prep starts at the grocery store. So, If you food shop with a meal plan in mind you’ll only buy the things you’re going to use and will be less likely to buy on impulse because something looks great or is on offer.

Eating Clean Meals Starts at the Grocery Store

- Planning ahead saves on food waste

If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s food waste. The thought of fresh food going in the trash makes me mad (and sad!) We can all do our bit by only buying the food we need, and the best way to do this is by planning ahead and knowing how much of each ingredient you need to prepare all the meals for the week ahead.

- Having food handy saves you time
and it also saves you from turning into that grumpy mean person when you get hungry.
I am not nice when I am hungry and my husband can vouch for that. So having food handy saves us all.

We’re all busy!  But if you want to train hard and recover well, you need to meet your caloric needs and get good nutrition into your body. For those days when life gets complicated, prepped food is a savior! It’s great to be able to grab your food or pre-packed snack from the fridge.   This will prevent you from falling of the wagon and be tempted to buy unhealthy snacks.  So, you don’t have an excuse for not eating clean meals.

- Prepare your food and stick to your goals

Finally, preparing food ahead of time means that you will be eating clean meals and sticking to your food plan. Whether you work with a coach, dietician or simply know what you need to do to get the body of your dreams, nutrition is a huge part of the equation. Yes, I said HUGE! Don’t let bad food choices hold you back. Always have the ideal meals and snacks handy – no excuses!

My food prep includes some fat burning foods like:

Grilled chicken breasts or fish
Roasted veggies
Baked or steamed sweet potatoes
Hard-boiled eggs and something my family never goes without is Shakeology. We drink it everyday, but I also food prep with it on Sundays as well. I make baked healthy but delicious sweet treat like a oat-based Shakeology bars or Shakeology no bake cookies. They are fantastic quick grabs for the kids and they love them.

What are some of your favorite foods, and what day of the week is food-prep day in your house?  Are you ready to start eating clean meals?

If you do not know where to start I can help!  Click this link below and make me your Coach today! " IT'S FREE" 
I will put you into one of my FREE Clean Eating Clubs and help you get started.